I Don’t Want to Get Bulky!

Getting people STRONGER is my passion.  As a matter of fact, our mission is, “To help people become stronger physically, mentally and emotionally.”  That statement covers a LOT of ground, but each area is so important in becoming the best version of YOU.  While the mental and emotional aspect are probably more important in the grand scheme, I want to give you some great content on the physical aspect of becoming stronger over the next few weeks.  Today I want to start with my favorite misconception.

Strength Training will make me bulky.

This statement couldn’t be further from the truth.  I could go on and on destroying this misconception, but because I know you value your time I’ll keep it short.  You’re welcome 😉

  • You’re not them – Most of the females you see on TV and in muscle magazines have the help of modern chemistry (wink, wink).  Most of those same women are blessed (or cursed, depending on how you look at it) with great genetics AND spend their life in the gym.
  • Hormones – Strength training strengthens a given group of muscles but doesn’t necessarily make them bigger.  Women do not have adequate hormone levels (mainly testosterone) to get “bulky”.  Normal female hormone levels and proper nutrition combined with a well designed strength training program, create a very lean, toned look in women.
  • Muscle burns fat – forget what your cardio queen best friend said…MUSCLE BURNS FAT.  Not directly, but indirectly through increased metabolism.  Here are some helpful stats:
    • ​a pound of muscle uses (burns) 75-150 calories per day.
    • a pound of fat uses about 3 calories per day
    • a pound of muscle is about 20% smaller than a pound of fat
    • a pound of fat is about the size of a coffee mug
      Let’s say you lost 5 pounds of fat and put on 5 pounds of muscle (just an example):

      • you would be burning 363 – 738 more calories per day
      • since a pound of fat is about the size of a coffee mug, you would be taking off about 5 coffee mugs of fat that is typically in trouble areas (isn’t fat always in trouble areas?) such as abdomen, inner thigh,etc…and put on 4 coffee mugs (20% less) of muscle that is typically not in trouble areas.
      • This is just an example of how drastically your body can change without any actual weight loss.
Strength does not necessarily equal increased muscle mass.  Increased muscle mass does not necessarily equal being bulky.  Muscle, however, is a VERY powerful tool in creating your ideal physique.  Putting on a bit of muscle will change your shape, make you stronger and burn fat like crazy…and it won’t make you bulky!!

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