3 More Reminders

  1. Achieving sustainable weight/fat loss takes time.
    You COULD lose it really fast, but it won’t be nearly as sustainable as if you lose it 1-2 pounds per week.  Some weeks you won’t lose any.  Some weeks you may actually go up!  Be patient and enjoy the journey.  The habits that you develop while losing slowly will serve you well in KEEPING the weight off.
  2. You have time.
    Sure, you may want to lose 20 pounds by April for a wedding that you will be attending…or something similar.  There’s nothing wrong with a short sprint to lose weight a little more quickly for a short time.  Ultimately though, you need to play the long game.  You have time.  And those events for which you want to look really good will keep coming.  If you play the long game and be consistent, you’ll be looking awesome by the time the next one comes around.  YOU HAVE TIME.
  3. Drink lots of water.
    So…not super closely related to the two above, but we see so many people who are dehydrated.  Dehydration is the number one cause daytime fatigue.  When most people get tired/fatigued, they typically don’t eat foods that align with their goals.  Salting your food along with adequate hydration will help with energy levels throughout the day as well as workouts.  If you’re blood pressure is sensitive to salt (this is around 10% of the population), you’ll obviously need to be a little more careful with the amount of salt you take in.

Ever stronger!

Coach Levi

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