The Missing Piece

Have you ever thought to yourself, “If I can just find the right gym, I’d be able to get in shape, lose weight and start having more energy.”

Or something like, “If I could just find the right diet, I’d lose weight and get back into shape.”

Sound familiar?

You’re most definitely not wrong if you’ve ever thought either or both of those things.

There’s one thing that you’re overlooking though.

There’s one thing that almost everyone overlooks.

The irony is that the thing that almost everyone overlooks is the thing that most people need the most!

What is that ‘thing’ I speak of?

Support and accountability.

In the 10 years that I’ve owned a gym, working with well over 1,000 people, support and accountability are THE things that most people are missing.

You can get a diet and workouts off of the internet in the next 60 seconds.

They aren’t hard to find.

Legitimate support and accountability from someone (or group of people) who genuinely care and want the best for you are a bit harder to find.  Not impossible to find, but most definitely harder to find than a diet or workout plan.

The fact that so many people are missing this piece is the reason we exist.

We are here to hold our clients accountable, cheer then on, be honest with them and ultimately ensure that they hit the goals they’ve set out for themselves!

Do you have someone or a group of people in your life that’ll hold your feet to the fire when you need it most?

Do you have someone who will be your cheerleader when you need it most?

Do you have someone who will hold you the a high standard?

If so, you’re 90% of the way there!

If not, find that person or group of people.

Not people who will look the other way when you need a boot up the backside!  People who will hold you to a high standard even when it doesn’t feel good from your end.

Can you succeed without a crew of people that genuinely care about your success?  Sure!  But the chances are much lower.

Ever stronger!

Coach Levi

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