Two Essential Components for Weight Loss

In my last blog I mentioned that the #1 indicator of success or failure in weight loss was the number of times a person has tried and failed to lose weight.
Statically, the more times they’ve tried and failed, the more likely they are fail again.
You can read more about that HERE.
So why do people fail?  Why do they succeed?
I’ve been in the fitness game for a while now and I can boil it down to two things.

Choosing a Sustainable Approach
Way too many people go all out in the beginning.  They cut out every food and drink that they love.  They workout 7 days a week.  They drop their calorie intake way too low.
You’ve probably done it.  Heck I’ve even done it.
But it’s not sustainable.  You can’t live like that forever.  Biology is not in your favor in the above scenario.
Instead, take a more moderate, long term approach.  We tell our clients daily to play the long game.
Cut your alcohol intake in half.  Say no to the second helping.  Cut your deserts in half.  Start a reasonable, progressive exercise plan 3-4 times per week.
THAT’S sustainable.  You can live like that for the rest of your life.
Sure you’ll have your ups and downs, but they’ll looking like rolling hills instead of Mount Everest followed by Death Valley.

Build/Find an Army
Humans are heard animals.  We do best when we are surrounded by others.
Covid-19 has brought this to light.  Even introverted people need the love, support and company of others.
For fitness/weight loss specifically, people do best when they are surrounded by people who are on the same or a similar journey.
Look, weight loss isn’t going to be easy no matter how you slice it.
It’s going to be MUCH easier though when you have others around you, cheering you on, holding you accountable and fighting the same battles you’re fighting.
Find a group of friends to walking with every morning.
Find a group that will commit to going to the gym with you three days per week.
Come join ITS :)  (see what I did there)
You could do it alone, but is much more difficult.
If you don’t nothing else, do these two things.
Pick a sustainable approach and build or find a community of people who will love on you while also holding you to a high standard.

Ever stronger!

Coach Levi

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